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完全让你对火锅印象彻底颠覆的【火爆锅 Hoobaa Hotpot Austin】,汤以品质为优先考量,食材以新鲜为准则!让你吃下去的口口都是美味,喝下去的口口都是精华!


如果你吃过某著名火锅品牌的番茄汤,那你可以千万不要错过【火爆锅Hoobaa Hotpot】的超浓郁番茄汤!对每颗番茄严苛的要求正是让这锅汤处于不败的原因!


油脂完美分布的雪花牛肉、来自日本的优质和牛、鲜活波斯顿龙虾及龙虎斑鱼、活虾萃取的手打虾滑等你在一般火锅店无法吃到的,在【火爆锅Hoobaa Hotpot】你完全可以一饱口福,享有所有吃货都该有的幸福!




火爆锅Hoobaa Hotpot

营业时间:7:00pm - 6:00am

地点:No.67-69, Jalan Austin Heights 8/1, Taman Mount Austin,81100 Johor Bahru.

Google Map Direction (Click to Go)


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Hoobaa Hotpot 火爆锅

Tags: hoobaa hotpot, 火爆锅, mount austin 火锅,新山火锅店,mount austin steamboat shop, mount austin hotpot shop, jb hotpot shop, mount austin 火锅餐馆, 麻辣汤火锅,菌汤火锅,番茄汤火锅,JB hotpot restaurant, JB steamboat shop, 新山火锅餐馆,新山美食,food at jb, food at mount austin