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The Food Hunger

THE FOOD HUNGER is a new web to advertise and promote delicious food and awesome places to eat or hangout with family and friends. For the food hunters out there, this is the suitable website to find food that tingle the taste buds and also to find places that is suitable for any occasion. This web also give reviews to a whole lot of cafe, bistro, restaurant and also stall all a round MALAYSIA. This will give the viewers an inside view on where to find a good food to eat and awesome cafe, bistro, restaurant and stall to go. 


He Yong Lee Bak Kut Teh 合永利肉骨茶

He Yong Lee Bak Kut Teh 合永利肉骨茶

He Yong Lee Bak Kut Teh 合永利肉骨茶本店在8月31号开张肉骨茶 干肉骨茶 汤黄酒鸡猪脚醋叫二人份的肉骨茶送黄酒鸡 !是送完为止哦请大家多多支持哦!谢谢大家哇~~~看到照片口水都..

捌拾玖拾 80's 90's Eighty Ninety Years Restaurant Nusa Sentral

捌拾玖拾 80's 90's Eighty Ninety Years Restaurant Nusa Sentral

捌拾玖拾 80's 90's Eighty Ninety Years Restaurant Nusa Sentral溫馨提醒Eighty Ninety Oldstyle Cafe 將以“ NO POR..



鍂龙膳房杂菜饭专卖店承接各类自助餐Rm6 块吃到饱有便当外卖…包伙食…Buffet~家的味道…就是这么简单~预订热线:+6013 - 7400 710地址:No 28, Jalan Rosmerah ..

Sushi Ya Liang

Sushi Ya Liang

Sushi Ya Liang食物材料是以新鲜食材制作,价廉物美,环境舒服,适合3大种族品尝。Sushi Ya Liang 的环境让人感觉清晰,简单,干净。老少嫌宜,不管是老人与小孩都适合。 ..

Kong Inn Seafood (Austin) Sdn Bhd 港一海鲜楼有限公司

Kong Inn Seafood (Austin) Sdn Bhd 港一海鲜楼有限公司

Kong Inn Seafood (Austin) Sdn Bhd港一海鲜楼有限公司港一,我们是一间拥有18年之久的中式粤菜餐馆。内外装潢设计特色以现代摩登感十足华丽而不失中式餐厅气派,场内备有8间舒..

【 憶香亭】酿豆腐餐馆

【 憶香亭】酿豆腐餐馆

【Permas 百万镇纯手工制作Homemade #憶香亭主打的酿豆腐!这里的招牌就是白豆腐、付皮、幼面干捞和清香鲜甜的汤底! 】自制酿豆腐每件只需 RM1.50!碌碌作为配料每串80sen!面、米粉..

幸福堂 Xing Fu Tang

幸福堂 Xing Fu Tang

幸福堂 Xing Fu Tang幸福堂招牌古法手炒黑糖珍珠鲜奶。幸福堂坚持用古法手炒黑糖以确保黑糖把每一颗珍珠都包裹着,咀嚼的时候会有浓郁的黑糖香。加上薄薄的一层奶盖以及火烤黑糖,搅拌十八下后享用,喝..


